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Troubleshooting - QRemote Error "Could not connect to server ...

Rsdaa 19/01/2022 1165

Troubleshooting - QRemote Error "Could not connect to server/QRemoteServer"

Problem Description 1:

I cannot connect to QRemote DSN. I have tested using VB Demo application as well as using QRemote DSN test connection. I am getting below error:

Problem Description 2:

I am trying to connect to QRemote Server from my application. Below code hangs on the .open command:

Dim cnQODBC As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection("DSN=QuickBooks Data 64-bit QRemote;OLE DB Services=-2;")

Dim daQODBC As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter = New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter() cnQODBC.Open()

The QODBC server does not show any activity.


Please follow below steps to resolve the issue.

You will get the message "Could not connect to server" or "Could not connect to QRemoteserver" error due to one of the following reason:1) QRemote Server is not running.2) IP/Port in QRemote client is not same as QRemote Server.3) If you are connecting remotely, then might be a firewall blocking connection.Please make sure your firewall allows communicating to IP address of QRemoteServer, check if you are using the correct IP address of the remote machine, and also please make sure QRemote is Bind to the same IP address you are using. Please do make sure Version on QRemote on the Client machine is the same QRemote on Server Machine. Also, try restarting the machine.4)Please do make sure Version on QRemote on the Client machine is the same QRemote on Server Machine.

For Example:If client machine QRemote version is, then server machine QRemote version also should be QRemote version on both machines is different, then please make both versions same by installing same QODBC version on both machines.You can get QODBC latest version from below link: QODBC Driver for QuickBooks Download

5) Please verify QRemote is configured correctly.

For 32-bit QRemote DSN:

Start>> All Programs>>QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source >>Go To "System DSN" Tab >> select QuickBooks Data QRemote >> click "configure":

Please verify IP & Port from QRemote Client it should be same as it is on QRemote Server. You can find QRemote Server running in System Tray.

If it is not running then please run from:Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> QRemote Server for QODBC

Please verify "Remote DSN" select "QuickBooks Data "DSN from dropdown >> click "Test Connection".

For 64-bit QRemote DSN:

Please verify your QRemote DSN configuration:Start >> All Programs >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source 64-bit >> Go To "System DSN" Tab >> select QuickBooks Data 64-bit QRemote >> click "configure":

Please verify IP & Port from QRemote Client it should be same as it is on QRemote Server. You can find QRemote Server running in System Tray. If it is not running then please run from:Start >> All Programs >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> QRemote Server for QODBC

If it is not running then please run from:Start >> All Programs >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> QRemote Server for QODBC

Please verify "Remote DSN" select "QuickBooks Data "DSN from dropdown >> click "Test Connection".

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