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Help please. Oculus rift setup prob

Rsdaa 10/02/2022 1518

Gday all, well it finally arrived, Oculus Rift C.V (consumer Version) I'm here ready with the computer Win 10, I7, GTX 1070, 16g ram ect, all which have been running E.D. well.

I unpacked the box and the first thing, I see is a label inside the box which says to go tohttps://www3.oculus.com/en-us/setup/and before doing anything else, download the drivers. Okay off to the Oculus page, click on the download link and it downloads the link "OculusSetup.exe. I click on this and what comes up?

"Can't connect, Looks like we can't reach the Oculus server, Please check your connection". and believe it or not there is no support info or email address to query whats happening.

Well not happy Jan, I have had a quick look for problems on the net, (under Oculus rift - can't connect) but what came back, well it's complicated gobbly gook to me.

Please can you assist and old bloke like me to get this Occulus Rift up and running? It sits there in it's flash box, glaring at me!

I'am not totally Computer illiterate , but clear, step by step suggestions would be gratefully received. yours aye D38

Its been a few months since I installed my Rift so I've forgotten most of it already. Have you tried checking to see if your firewall is preventing the Rift software from connecting?, I'm at work at the moment and can't check much.

Cornelius, thank you.

FIREWALL. Although I did not receive a notification from the firewall requesting permission, during the first attemp. I did before the second attempt to download, disconnect the firewall , but received the same response."Can't connect, Looks like we can't reach the Oculus server, Please check your connection".

DISC SPACE 200 gb free on C Drive.

Different Client I also tried downloading using the client 'Edge"


That's really wierd, everything went fine first go for me. Win 10 with all normal firewall and anti-virus running.

I think the big sticker is there so you don't just plug it in... windows will probably get the detection wrong and all sorts of shenanigans/hilarity will ensue.

Is your internet connection fine otherwise?

I went to the Oculus site and downloaded the software from there before my Rift even showed up. Started the software, then followed the instruction on plugging each bit of the Rift in.

Best place to start is right here: videos, all the software and help.https://support.oculus.com/

The direct link to the software page is here:https://www3.oculus.com/en-us/setup/

Edit, whoops... long day at work. At least you got to the right download page. Try disabling any firewall, antivirus etc.

I can't see how the server would be _that_ busy.

Also - some help from other users on that problm here:https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/4fcjw4/if_you_are_getting_the_cant_reach_oculus_runtime/

Gday all, the problem seems to be that once I start the setup download from Oculus, it comes back with cannot connect to server.

On my second PC the setup file connects and starts to download. I have been onto Oculus support and worked thru the run of the mill connection problems like, is my system compatable and strong enought to run oculus, is there enough hard drive space, is there an adequate internet connection, even cleared the Chrome browse cache and tried again, tried again with another browser, took off the windows defender, virus protection etc. But all to no avail.

We even looked for the oculus user file , which of course wasn't there as the file doesn't download.

Bit of a mystery why this setup file wont download and keeps coming up with "cannot connect to the server".I can only think that there must be something in my PC that's preventing the download, but as I said it's a bit of a mystery as everything else that's connected to the Chrome browser and Internet works perfectly.

Have you any suggestions of what I can try?

regards Cmdr D38

Sorry to hear of your woes. Like others here I had a fairly trouble free install (except for a firmware update on the little remote that seemed to fail, but then after a few reboots came back ok.)

I googled that error message, and one thing that seems worth checking is exactly how much space you have left on your installation hdd. 5Gb seems to be the min - though you do state this is one of the checks you've done. The issue seems to be the error message is a generic trap that may have nothing to do with the ability to connect to the server.

Good luck - it will be worth the wait. I have a similar rig to yours (including GPU) and it is awesome. Get hold of Dr Kaii's ED Profiler tool as one of the first things you do - very easier application of graphics options, and I'd also recommend changing the HUD colours here as well. I'm on the Cool Blue in the rift. And before you fly anywhere take a few minutes to stroll about the cockpit. The previous owner left an empty pack of Silk Cut under the pilot chair in my Vulture

Raise a support ticket with Oculus.

I know you want a quick fix, but as someone that works in a troubleshooting environment, Wood67 is right - more than likely it's a generic message that won't give you specifics any time soon.

For test purposes ONLY disable your firewall entirely, then run the setup again. If it succeeds, you likely have a firewall issue. If it still fails, raise a support ticket and include every check you have done so you waste as little time possible being asked if you have tried the basic checks.

If you can download on a different PC, maybe download it on that one, and then put the file on a usb stick and install on your main PC and see if it works that way.

I had this problem on my new build pc. I think I changed usb ports for Rift and sensor -rebooted and was able to connect but not sure.

I'm 99% certain this is problem related to permissions with either your anti-virus software or firewall, but I would advise getting in contact with Oculus support. First thing I would do though is completely disable the anti virus and firewall and try again, its very likely the problem.

Gday all, well it finally arrived, Oculus Rift C.V (consumer Version) I'm here ready with the computer Win 10, I7, GTX 1070, 16g ram ect, all which have been running E.D. well.

I unpacked the box and the first thing, I see is a label inside the box which says to go tohttps://www3.oculus.com/en-us/setup/and before doing anything else, download the drivers. Okay off to the Oculus page, click on the download link and it downloads the link "OculusSetup.exe. I click on this and what comes up?

"Can't connect, Looks like we can't reach the Oculus server, Please check your connection". and believe it or not there is no support info or email address to query whats happening.

Well not happy Jan, I have had a quick look for problems on the net, (under Oculus rift - can't connect) but what came back, well it's complicated gobbly gook to me.

Please can you assist and old bloke like me to get this Occulus Rift up and running? It sits there in it's flash box, glaring at me!

I'am not totally Computer illiterate , but clear, step by step suggestions would be gratefully received. yours aye D38

I had this exact same issue, and it had nothing to do with server connection or disk space. Actually, the setup checks if your c: partition is on a drive set to a "dynamic" partitioning scheme (look at the settings in the disk manager in your Windows control panel). Oculus only downloads the software if you are using a classical "basic" partitioning scheme. Sadly, there is no easy and secure way to switch back from dynamic partitioning to basic. If you have switched to dynamic partitioning once, and if you're not deep into partition table hacking and boot restauration, the only thing you can do is making a backup and reinstalling Windows.

This all is a very sad issue. Oculus Rift / Facebook is so eager to check your install location (not that you'd install any of their content on a removable medium) that they even throw you out as a customer if you use some regular Windows features. The support didn't help me either in any way.

Sorry, mate. I know what a hard and frustrating experience this must be for you. Be certain, sitting in your fighter cockpit for the first time will compensate a lot.

PS: There is a log file in c:\users\{name}\appdata\local\oculus\something... -- check it. I had something like "no install location found" among the error messages. Anyhow, check it, it will give you some hint and the Oculus support wants to have it anyway before they shrug.

G'day all, well after a frustrating 2 day period of trying to get the Oculus setup to work with Win 10 , and despite the efforts of Oculus support themselves and a computer minded friend,.we came to the conclusion that as the startup program launches on the other PC with Win 8.1 we would delete Win 10 and load up Win 8.1 onto my main PC.

We re format the drive, loaded Win 8, and update to 8.1 and bang; the Oculus startup program downloaded. I have set up the headset to the hdmi port, and the USB connection on the headset to a USB 3.0 port. Set up the tracking device to another USB 3.0 port, and am now reloading the Elite Dangerous launcher and the program itself, so will keep you up to date as I trial and try it out. Cheers all. Cmdr D38

Congrats! But there's still a good chance that it was the "dynamic" partition issue (the Oculus Software got installed here on Win 10, so it's not a general Win 10 issue at least). You formatted and probably re-partitioned your boot drive when reinstalling, and Windows uses a "basic" partitioning scheme as default, so this probably did the trick.

Anyhow, enjoy your flight, Cmdr!

Thanks conceit, all. ok now I have the OR up and running and had a look at the VR room they provide and at a couple of VR items there.

NOW TIME FOR ED. Have downloaded ED Horizions 64 again to Win 8.1 I start ED with the rift running and in the OR screen I see waiting for ED, but nothing further happens.

Need some detailed instructions on where and how to get the OR to display ED in the OR headset. Suggestions are most welcome, step by step if your up to it. Cheers and thanks. Getting there slowly Cmdr. D38.

Thanks conceit, all. ok now I have the OR up and running and had a look at the VR room they provide and at a couple of VR items there.

NOW TIME FOR ED. Have downloaded ED Horizions 64 again to Win 8.1 I start ED with the rift running and in the OR screen I see waiting for ED, but nothing further happens.

Need some detailed instructions on where and how to get the OR to display ED in the OR headset. Suggestions are most welcome, step by step if your up to it. Cheers and thanks. Getting there slowly Cmdr. D38.

Go to Settings in Oculus Make sure it allows all apps to run

Go to Settings in Elite -> display Set "3D" to "HMD (headphones)

Hit save


StiTch, thanks mate. Those settings you supplied did the trick, wow! I didn't realize the Anaconda was so huge on the bridge. Conciet. I believe your right as when trying to load Win 8, it would not go onto the formatted drive until it was reformatted in the non dynamic manner.

Gentlemen, I thank you all for your patience and your assistance in helping me get the OR up and running. It's a pity that the suppliers instruction and also ED instructions (if ther are any) are so hard to find and understand. Yours aye. D38.

one last question. I have no sound in either the headsets on the OR or normal speakers.. Suggestions please. D38

Hi Gaffa -

Right click in the system tray (bottom right of your windows screen) on the sound icon pick playback devices. Right click on the Rift Audio headphones and set them to default.

Its an ED thing, again

Other VR apps wil work fine but ED needs this setting. If you need your normal speakers back in action, just go into here and make them the default.

Redraven, all thankyou. That5s done the trick.

At this time I must express my thanks to all on this forum, not only do you listen to our general gripes and concerns regarding E.D, but I have always found that there is someone here who will help out with knowledge . Your all appreciated. Yours Aye Cmdr D38.

Thanks conceit, all. ok now I have the OR up and running and had a look at the VR room they provide and at a couple of VR items there.

NOW TIME FOR ED. Have downloaded ED Horizions 64 again to Win 8.1 I start ED with the rift running and in the OR screen I see waiting for ED, but nothing further happens.

Need some detailed instructions on where and how to get the OR to display ED in the OR headset. Suggestions are most welcome, step by step if your up to it. Cheers and thanks. Getting there slowly Cmdr. D38.

Have you installed in Oculus Home? If not (like Steam install or standalone), two solutions:

- Go to settings in the Oculus Home app (on your monitor), search for something like "Allow unknown sources".. (See: https://support.oculus.com/878170922281071) - you should be able to run ED then as usual - as well as other Oculus enabled games on Steam and other platforms. Oculus Home should start and then switch over to E



- Sign in into your Frontier profile and get a free license key for Oculus Home. Then activate that license in Oculus Home. This requires you to re-download and re-install ED. Not the best choice, but well.. It's a choice.

Edit: Oh, you got this solved already, messed up my Forum display. Anyhow, might be useful for someone else... Enjoy!

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