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Adding Proxy Server in PS4 - With Video And Images - 2019 ...

Rsdaa 03/02/2022 1869

Adding Proxy Server in PS4

Adding Proxy server in PS4 can sometimes be a nightmare if you are not familiar with Network related topics. Proxy server PS4 is a very useful place if you can get the best out of it. It can be used to add a VPN or private servers to your PS4 connection to make the game smooth and also can be used to bypass restrict the geolocation features. It also helps to speed up the connection by assigning a unique IP address to the console device so that it will reduce the change of collision of the same IP with another device in the same network. So let’s see the proxy server ps4 meaning, uses and how to configure the Proxy server in PS4.

Proxy Server PS4 Meaning

“In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers” – Wikipeadia.

Simply, the proxy acts as an intermediate between two or multiple devices and helps in sharing of data and information between the devices.

How to Add Proxy Server in PS4

Adding proxy server in PS4 is quite an easy task. For doing this task you can either see our detailed video below or follow the steps in order to connect a proxy to your console device.

So, first of all, You want to find the IP address of your PC, Mobile or Mac device.

1: Find IP Address Of Your Router Device

How to find IP address on PCHow to find IP address on MAC Device

To find the IP address of your MAC device just follow these steps:

From the Apple menu pull down “System Preferences”Click on the “Network” preference paneYour IP address will be visible to the right, as indicated in the screenshot below.Find Ip address on MACThe is the IP address for your MAC device.How to find IP address on Mobile Device

You can also use a mobile to Find the IP address of your router. Simply follow these instructions:

Go to Settings on your mobile device.Then head to About phone section.

Now search for status option and tab on it.Now you will see IP address in there.

2: Assigning Proxy Server In Ps4

Now its time to turn on your PS4 console and follow these steps:

1: Go to Settings from the main menu.

what’s a proxy server ps4

2: Now go to Network Section.

proxy server ps4 yes or no

3: Select Connect to the internet option.

was ist ein proxy server ps4

4: If you use WiFi connection use Wifi option or else use LAN cable option.

proxy server ps4 meaning

5: Select Custom Option.

proxy server ps4 meaning

6: Select DHCP host as do not specify.

google proxy server ps4

7: USe DNS as automatic.

proxy server ps4 address

8: Select Mtu settings as automatic:

proxy server address ps4 8080

9: Under proxy server option select Use option.

proxy server ps4 port 8080

10: On the Proxy Server page, enter the IP address of your computer and the Port Number that you set the proxy server on.

japanese proxy server ps4

If you have followed our Proxy Server instructions for your computer, the port will usually be 6588 for a Windows system or 8080 for a Mac, either way, you should have confirmed this on the computer.

Click Next once you are done.

12: Now test your internet connection.

if you have followed everything your internet must be fine, up and running and you should have no problem at all.

Use of Proxy Server For PS4 Device

To intercept the connection between router and PS4.To make a smooth and stable connection.To surf anonymously.To unblock blocked websites or apps.For faster download speed and internet connection.

Common Question And Answer On Proxy Server Ps4 2020:

Now your Console must run on the proxy server that you have assigned to. Make sure the proxy server is good to make a stable connection between your router and the Ps4 device. For another PS4 Help visit this page.

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