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Oxide - Solved - Server updating and Oxide

Rsdaa 25/11/2021 1792
I see the game has just updated, I wanna ask what should I do If I use Rust Server Manager Tool. Do I like start it normally?, how do I update my server. (Auto-Update by itself?)

I would not suggest updating until Oxide is updated and released (it isn't released yet.) I'm notfamiliar with the tools, but you'd update the same way you installed.

Ehm, how do I join my own server then ? I mean the updates are auto installed via Steam. [DOUBLEPOST=1496947746][/DOUBLEPOST]About the update, I guess I could use the SteamCMD and do: app_update258550 [DOUBLEPOST=1496947894][/DOUBLEPOST]Also how long does it usually take for Oxide to update, It's an 300mb Update so I guess It could take a day or two?

you must wait or runn server without oxide that time before we have new oxide

Alright, I'll wait and thank you both for the support

Usually when the update hits oxide is also updated. They probably got some issues updating oxide that its notupdated yet. Just give them a moment

Oh that's good information, thank you

Oh that's good information, thank you

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And it just got updated as i just tried updating my server again and it came online with oxide so.

Didn't get any update on Oxide thread, am I looking somewhere else for an update?

https://dl.bintray.com/oxidemod/builds/Oxide-Rust.zip Use that link to always download the latest oxide. So far there is no real thread to see if its updated or not. I use Ocomposer for my linux server to update oxideand rust with it, so i don't need to download the zip file manually every time.


Use that link to always download the latest oxide. So far there is no real thread to see if its updated or not. I use Ocomposer for my linux serverto update oxide and rust with it, so i don't need to download the zip file manually every time.

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Don't assume that is always updated though, wait for Release build changes | Page 11 | Oxide.


Use that link to always download the latest oxide. So far there is no real thread to see if its updated or not. I use Ocomposer for my linux serverto update oxide and rust with it, so i don't need to download the zip file manually every time.

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But if I use this link, how do I know If it's the latest version? [DOUBLEPOST=1496948662][/DOUBLEPOST] Oh perfect, thanks!

Run your updates again, it works now!

Sorry i kinda forgot that thread. As usually the oxide is updated when the client update of rust is released so i usually don't check the thread if oxide isupdated and update blindly with ocomposer and if its not getting online i go on the forum to check if there are any issues with latest oxide build.

I'm getting this issue on SteamCMD: Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK Waiting for user info... It won't do anything but saying that.

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