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Top 10 Reasons to Setup a Client-Server Network - IT Peer Network

Rsdaa 26/12/2021 1499

Small businesses can significantly benefit from a networkedinfrastructure. Networks enable small businesses to enhance their collaborationand share resources such as file and print services.

There are two types of networks: peer-to-peer and client-server. Apeer-to-peer network consists of interconnected client computers, such aslaptops or desktops, able to access each other’s resources such as applicationsor files. A client-server network is a centralized network where one or morecomputers (aka servers) act as dedicated resource providers to a pool of clientcomputers. These servers “serve up” 24x7 services to the client computers suchas file, print, email, and backup.

Peer to Peer Network


There are advantages and disadvantages to both peer-to-peer andclient-server networks; however, in general, small businesses benefit more froma client-server network designed to maximize your employees’ productivitythrough enhancedsecurity, reliability, andaccessibility features. And client-server networks built with an Intel®Xeon®-based server are the ideal choice for small businesses.

If you’re unsure about whether a client-server network is the wayto go, here are the

Top 10 Reasonsto Setup a Client-Server Network with an Intel Xeon-based Server:


24x7 Accessibility: With apeer-to-peer network, if a user needs to access a file residing on anothercomputer, that computer needs to be powered on. This is not practical withclient devices that are generally powered off when not in use. With aclient-server network, the server is always-on, always available, so files andapplications can be accessed at anytime.


ImprovedCollaboration: The server in a client-server network can act as a centralizedhub for storing and sharing files. This configuration allows multiple users toaccess files and makes changes to a single centralized copy. This also helpsminimize version control issues that often arise from managing multipleversions of the same file.


Centralized, Client Backups: Servers can be configured to automaticallybackup client computers and also restore data based on those backup images, inthe case of a client hard drive failure.


RemoteAccess: Servers support remote access whichenables employees, partners, and customers, to access data on the serverwithout physically being in front of the system.


ServerBackups: Intel Xeon-based servers support Intel® RapidStorage Technology, which enables the server to seamlessly storemultiple copies of its data on additional internal hard drives, so if one ofits hard drives fails, it can quickly recover the data with minimal systemdowntime.


EnhancedSecurity: Servers can be configured to control access to the server’s dataand other resources on a per-user basis. This ensures that only individualswith proper permissions access specific data and applications residing on theserver. And with Intel Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions (Intel AES-NI),data passing between the server and clients is encrypted to prevent data frombeing compromised in transit.


BetterClient Performance: In a peer-to-peer network, clients also haveto act as servers, “serving up” services to other clients on the network. Thiscan negatively impact performance of those clients. This computational burdenis lifted by having a high performance, Intel Xeon-based server, dedicated tosupporting the clients.


Shared,System-Wide Services: Servers provide shared, centralized servicesfor clients to access such as file, print, email, database, and web hosting.


EnhancedReliability: Intel Xeon-based servers support Error Correcting Code (ECC)memory which helps protect your business-critical data and prevent systemerrors by automatically detecting and correcting memory errors.


BusinessGrowth: Peer-to-peer networks are limited in terms of the number ofusers. A client-server network built with an Intel Xeon-based server isscalable for your needs, allowing room for growth as you business grows.

For your small business’ client-server network, the right choiceis a server based on the Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 product family. Formore details on the Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 product family, listen to my Intel ChipChat.

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