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How to Fix RDP an Internal Error has occurred?

Rsdaa 15/12/2021 2229

The remote desktop internal error for windows is one of the toughest problems recorded by users, making it almost impossible to reconnect. The RDP an internal error has occurred on often triggered by RDP settings or its local group policy security.

Remote desktop internal error for windows can occur due to one of these factors: Remote Desktop Connection settings, RDP security, and domain of computer. Another partial reason for this problem may be that the “Persistent Bitmap Caching” feature is disabled from the RDP settings.

RDP An internal error has occurred error that sometimes happens on the remote desktop is often triggered by RDP settings or its local group policy security. Sometimes users say they are no longer able to connect to another device using the Remote Desktop Connection client.

This problem usually happens out of the blue, and apparently is not triggered by any specific action. The Remote Desktop Connection client freezes when you click Connect, and the error shows up after a few seconds.

Since many users use Remote Desktop Connection for their company or personal purposes, this error can be very frustrating. This article lists the possible causes of the remote desktop connection an internal error has occurred for windows and some suggested solutions to fix it.

What Triggers the Remote Desktop Internal Error for Windows?

This error can occur due to a variety of reasons related to both the RDP/RDS server and the client settings (Windows settings, or settings in the Remote Desktop Connection window).

While there are no exact explanations for the error message, we have tried to compile a few potential reasons. Please note that these are potential explanations based on the symptoms and the probability of an error occurring. This is entirely based on experience, and may or may not be the true cause that affects you.

It may occur because of one of the following factors:

Remote Desktop Connection settingsFor some users, the error was triggered by the settings of the Remote Desktop Connection client.RDP SecurityIn certain situations, an error can appear due to Remote Desktop Protocol Security, in which case you may have to adjust the security layer.Domain of computerAnother factor that might cause the error to appear may be the domain to which your device is related. In that case, deleting the domain and then adding it again could resolve the problem.

Before implementing the solutions provided below, please make sure that you are using the Administrator account. We also suggest that you follow the given solutions in the same order as we have provided so that you can easily identify your problem.

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How to Fix Windows RDP Internal Error?

Please notice that there are no specific explanations available about what could cause this problem. Based on experience and the potential reasons outlined in the previous section, you can use a few settings and fixes to correct the RDP internal error and get your device back in order.

Adjust Remote Desktop Connection Configuration

You should check the options and make the appropriate adjustments to ensure that you have isolated the risk of any incorrect or misplaced RDP Connection settings. There are a few users who have confirmed that the problem has been fixed by applying the changes outlined here.

Go to the START menu and look for a Remote Desktop Connection. You can also type it in the search function on your Windows system and pick it from the search results.

To view all the options available, click Show Options. Go to Experience and find the Reconnect if the connection is dropped option. Make sure that this option is checked.

You can now try to reconnect by tapping the Connect button. A good number of users have indicated that the problem was resolved after the reconnection option had been reconfigured.

Reconnect the Domain

The domain that you have linked to the server could have developed problems, and this may be one of the reasons that could have affected your system. You may try deleting your domain and reconnecting it.

Here are the steps you can take to add and delete your domain. Switch to your Windows Settings. Go to Accounts and select the Access or Work tab. Select the domain that you have connected to the server and click on it. To confirm your action, click Yes.

After the domain is disconnected, reboot your computer. After restarting your machine, you can reconnect to your domain. That ought to be enough. Check whether your connection works as it should.

Adjust RDP Security Settings

Changing RDP security should hopefully address most of your connection issues. Changing RDP security will entail managing it through Group Policy Editor.

To adjust RDP security, open the START menu, and locate the Local Group Policy. Choose the Edit Group Policy option. Then go to the following path:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Host > Security

Locate the option “Require use of specific security layer for remote (RDP) connections” on the right-hand side window, double-click it to open, and if it is set to “Not configured”, select Enabled and the in the Security Layer option, select RDP.

Click Apply and then tap OK to save the settings. Once the above settings are set, restart your system. Check whether your connection problems have been resolved.

Changing the MTU Value

MTU or Maximum transmission Value is another issue that can cause a communication error. The MTU value refers to the maximum value of the packet you can transmit over a network. Most of the time, reducing the value of MTU will solve the problem for you.

You will need to download a tool called TCP Optimizer to adjust the MTU value. Launch the TCP Optimizer as an administrator. You can select the personalized settings here and set the MTU value as 1458.

You can use any of your favorite TCP Optimization methods. This will help you deal with the issue with a stronger result.

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Disable Network Level Authentication

Disabling NLA or Network Level Authentication may also help you fix issues that affect the connection to your remote server. There might be instances where your device is designated to only run connections that have NLA activated.

To disable it, go to your Desktop, right-click on This PC, and then choose Properties. Click the Remote Settings. Find the ‘Require computers to use Network Level Authentication to connect’ box under Advanced Settings. To disable it, uncheck the box.

Reboot your computer to make adjustments come into effect. Ideally, this should fix the problems you have been facing with your remote desktop connection.

Other Solutions to fix RDP an internal error has occurred

There are other temporary solutions that may help with this issue. Please note that these solutions can only solve the problem to some degree and might not be effective enough for other issues.

Restart Remote Desktop Service

In certain instances, restarting the Remote Desktop Service does the trick, so you should restart it manually.

Disable the VPN Connection

It is likely that your device is configured to use a proxy or a VPN connection, so as a result, your internet connection will be routed via another server, and this may prevent it from establishing a connection properly.Disable proxy settings for the internet. Also, make sure you disable any VPNs running on your computer.

Change the Service Startup

It is likely that the Remote Desktop service has been configured in such a way that it is not allowed to start automatically. Adjust the configuration to allow the service to start automatically.

Activate Persistent Bitmap Caching

Another partial reason for this problem is that the “Persistent Bitmap Caching” feature is disabled from the RDP settings. Open the Remote Desktop Connections software and change this setting from the Experience panel.

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Remote desktop an internal error has occurred can happen in windows due to a variety of reasons related to both the RDP/RDS server and the client settings. This error can occur due to one of these factors: Remote Desktop Connection settings, RDP security, and domain of computer.

You can adjust the Remote Desktop Connection configuration, reconnect the domain, changing the MTU value, and disable Network Level Authentication to correct the RDP Internal Error and get your device back in shape.

In certain instances, restarting the Remote Desktop Service can help. Sometimes disabling proxy settings for the internet browser would help. Also, make sure you disable any VPNs running on your computer. Also, adjust the configuration to allow the service to start automatically.

We hope that this article will be able to give you hand if you are facing the “RDP an internal error has occurred” problem. And if you have any problem solving this issue on your device, feel free to leave us a comment and our technical team will respond to you with the solution.

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