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VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 ...

Rsdaa 11/11/2021 1903
abhimanyu New Member Total Posts : 1Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/09/04 21:57:42Status: offline

VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)

I had tried to setup VPN connection. Using the latest version client and firewall. In windows During the login time it shows

"VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) " . Status shows 80% complete. BUT it works in ANDROID..!!! Anyone resolved this ?

Attached Image(s)

zaphod Bronze Member Total Posts : 25Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/08/19 01:42:28Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2019/09/05 06:45:48(permalink)

Try to disable TLS 1.0 / 1.1 in internet options

brunogabrielli New Member Total Posts : 1Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/11/05 06:21:18Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2019/11/05 06:21:59(permalink)

bitbauer New Member Total Posts : 4Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/11/14 00:08:58Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2019/11/14 00:14:20(permalink)

I'm experiencing the exact same problem/error message? I then tried to change the Internet Explorer settings and disabled the TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. But that did not solve the problem. Any further suggestions?

zaphod Bronze Member Total Posts : 25Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/08/19 01:42:28Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2019/11/14 00:57:12(permalink)

@bitbauer did you use the latest forticlient? (6.2.x)

bitbauer New Member Total Posts : 4Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/11/14 00:08:58Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2019/11/14 10:43:57(permalink)

Yes, I'm using version I also tried to reinstall the FortiClient without luck. I had installed another VPN client(ShrewSoft VPN Client), but uninstalled it and then reinstalled the FortiClient. Also no change. Perhaps that installation left something behind on my Windows 10 workstation? I should also mention that I have internet access via TV cable, which assigns a IPv6 address to my router. Perhaps that causes a problem, too?

bitbauer New Member Total Posts : 4Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/11/14 00:08:58Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2019/11/14 11:08:41(permalink)

Tried it on a different computer, same result :-(

Here is what was logged:

14.11.2019 19:54:44 Debug VPN FortiSslvpn: SSL VPN Tunnel is Disconnected *********

14.11.2019 19:54:44 Debug VPN FortiSslvpn: Client is exited (1)

14.11.2019 19:54:44 Debug VPN FortiSslvpn: Init:ConnectNamedPipe(): Wait(hEventOverLapped) OK.

14.11.2019 19:54:44 Debug VPN FortiSslvpn: before ConnectNamedPipe

14.11.2019 19:54:44 Debug VPN FortiSslvpn: Init:ConnectNamedPipe(): rc=0, err=997

14.11.2019 19:54:44 Debug VPN FortiSslvpn: _ReceiveMessage: (000003E0)

My colleague is able to connect with his user account on another computer though...

post edited by bitbauer - 2019/11/14 11:11:58

bitbauer New Member Total Posts : 4Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/11/14 00:08:58Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2019/11/14 23:32:43(permalink)

UPDATE: Found a solution...just installed an older Version of the FortiClient ( and connection could be successfully established!

zaphod Bronze Member Total Posts : 25Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/08/19 01:42:28Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2019/11/15 01:16:26(permalink)

strange. but good you got it running now.

Waldeyer New Member Total Posts : 2Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2020/02/10 04:22:19Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/02/10 04:26:43(permalink)

Solved, Please, check the following itens on Internet Options. Use SSL 3.0Use TLS 1.3 (experimantal) Worked [image]C:\Users\wmischiatti\Pictures\vpn_.png[/image]

Waldeyer New Member Total Posts : 2Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2020/02/10 04:22:19Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/02/10 04:27:46(permalink)

Worked for me using Use SSL 3.0Use TLS 1.3 (experimental) Fine.

knuckles New Member Total Posts : 4Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2019/07/24 12:32:58Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/03/31 07:52:18(permalink)WaldeyerWorked for me using Use SSL 3.0Use TLS 1.3 (experimental) Fine.

Where do I find these settings at?

Found them, Search Bar, Internet Options, Advanced tab, scroll to the bottom.

post edited by knuckles - 2020/03/31 08:21:52

paulstaley New Member Total Posts : 2Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2020/04/06 05:26:39Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/04/06 05:32:08(permalink)

I had the same issue but none of these solutions fixed it.For starters, some of our users have had this issue recently. Usually, a typical restart solves it. After restarting a few times and trying some things I created a remote session to work through SolarWinds and found out that my active directory credentials were expired. So just to reiterate, this issue will happen if your active directory credentials are expired.

Albert12 New Member Total Posts : 1Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2020/04/08 01:24:17Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/04/08 01:25:43(permalink)

Did you solve the problem?

boneyard Gold Member Total Posts : 413Scores: 20Reward points: 0Joined: 2014/07/30 11:15:18Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/04/10 06:10:06(permalink)Albert12Did you solve the problem?

who are you exactly asking and why? do you have the same problem or ...?

if you have what did you already try? which FortiOS verion and which FortiClient version. as you can seen it can be caused by many things.

as for enabling SSLv3 please dont, that really shouldnt be needed or done.

Baptiste Gold Member Total Posts : 176Scores: 13Reward points: 0Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/04/10 07:50:20(permalink)

HiSame issue with some not to date forticlient (5.6.x/6.0.x, don't remember subversion)Solved when I update to last version 6.2.6

2 FGT 100D+ FTK200

3 FGT 60E


some FAP 210B/221C/223C/321C/421E

noure New Member Total Posts : 4Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2020/04/10 08:06:35Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/04/10 08:51:02(permalink)

HelloI have the same problemI have windows 10 64bits ... avast is installed.I use the program "FortiClient VPN" .... after I connect I receive this message:error "Unable to establish VPN connection. The VPN server may be unreachable. (-14)"I am counting on you to help me solve this problem.Cordially...

boneyard Gold Member Total Posts : 413Scores: 20Reward points: 0Joined: 2014/07/30 11:15:18Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/04/11 10:58:54(permalink)

noure i assume you are not managing the FortiGate? if so i would advise you to contact your sys admin first, they might be able to see in the logs what goes wrong.

noure New Member Total Posts : 4Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2020/04/10 08:06:35Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/04/11 13:48:10(permalink)HelloAfter uninstalling avast my forticlient vpn is connectedbut I found myself in another problem.I start my Windows 10 64 bit. It automatically connects to a wireless network.Then I establish a connection to my VPN Forticlient, on my Windows 10.About a few seconds after the VPN Forticlient tunnel is established, the wireless LAN connection will disconnect.I count on your help to find a solution.Note: The VPN card is registered as an Ethernet card (fortissl PPPoP WAN Adapter).Cordially...

noure New Member Total Posts : 4Scores: 0Reward points: 0Joined: 2020/04/10 08:06:35Status: offline Re: VPN Server may be unreachable (-14) in Windows 10 (Forticlient SSL VPN)2020/04/12 07:59:58(permalink)HelloAfter uninstalling avast my forticlient vpn is connectedbut I found myself in another problem.I start my Windows 10 64 bit. It automatically connects to a wireless network.Then I establish a connection to my VPN Forticlient, on my Windows 10.About a few seconds after the VPN Forticlient tunnel is established, the wireless LAN connection will disconnect.I count on your help to find a solution.Note: The VPN card is registered as an Ethernet card (fortissl PPPoP WAN Adapter).Cordially...

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