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Setup issues: Apache plugin for Weblogic / DeskDr.com

Rsdaa 08/11/2021 1718

Apache plugin for WebLogic 8.1

I tried to find the Apache plugin for WebLogic 8.1, but I could not find one.I downloaded the one from BEA web site, but it did not work. I run Apache 2.0.46 on Windows 2000 and WebLogic 8.1. The plugin I downloaded gave an error message complaining about the version is incompatible and require some 20020915 version. Does anyone know where I can find the apache plugin? We are testing to move forward to WebLogic 8.1 but without the plugin, we can not move forward with our WebLogic 8.1 upgrade. Thank you for your help. Alan

Which platform? WebLogic 8.1 does package the plugin.Look in either in the weblogic81\server\lib\XXXXX directory or in theweblogic81\server\bin directory for the mod_wl_20.so.Eric"Alan Wong"wrote in messagenews:3f02fc95$[email protected]..>I tried to find the Apache plugin for WebLogic 8.1, but I could not findone.I downloaded the one from BEA web site, but it did not work. I run Apache2.0.46on Windows 2000 and WebLogic 8.1. The plugin I downloaded gave an errormessagecomplaining about the version is incompatible and require some 20020915version.Does anyone know where I can find the apache plugin? We are testing tomoveforward to WebLogic 8.1 but without the plugin, we can not move forwardwith ourWebLogic 8.1 upgrade. Thank you for your help.Alan

Netscape or Apache plugin for WebLogic

Hi, The Netscape plugin for WebLogic is mentioned many time in on-line documents for WebLogic servers. However, I can't find any information with regard to how the plug-in is distributed, licensed. Could someone please tell me if it is bundled in the server download? How do I install this thing? Is there Apache plugin for Solaris platform? Thank you, Wayne Wayne Wei-Zhong He, Ph.D. Sr. Biomed Engineer, Emerging Technology Incyte Pharmaceuticals Inc. 650-845-5784 (direct) / 650-621-8655 (fax)

Hi, Michael,Thanks for help. I found the documentation and installed thelibproxy.so. However, the server reported internal error when I tried touse it. Do you have any idea what I did wrong?The following were added to obj.conf :Init fn="load-modules" funcs="wl-proxy,wl-init" \shlib="/home/ns-home/plugins/weblogic/libproxy.so"Init fn="wl-init"Service fn=wl-proxy WebLogicHost=hercules.incyte.com \WebLogicPort=7001 PathTrim="/weblogic"error log says:[20/Apr/2000:17:56:06] info (18864): successful server startup[20/Apr/2000:17:56:06] info (18864): Netscape-Enterprise/3.6 SP2B99.113.0837[20/Apr/2000:17:56:06] verbose (18864): dstats: Using slotbase = 0 start= 0 end = 1024 last = 0 slots pid = 18864 [20/Apr/2000:17:56:28] config (18864): for host trying toGET /weblogic/index.html, func_exec reports: no handler function givenfor directiveThanks,WayneMichael Girdley wrote:>That is the correct one. You should refer to be documentation on installingour plug-ins.Michael GirdleyWLS Product ManagerWayne He <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:[email protected]Hi, Micheal,Thank you very much. I found them. They are all *.dll files. I seems tohave the impression that BEA support both NT and solaris. Keep lookingI also found a file called libproxy.so in the weblogic/lib/solarisdirectory. Is this the one I need? If so, what do I need to do toinstall?Thanks,WayneWayne Wei-Zhong He, Ph.D.Sr. Biomed EngineerIncyte Pharmaceuticals Inc.650-845-5784 (direct) / 650-621-8655 (fax)Michael Girdley wrote:It is available in the Weblogic/bin directory in your distribution if Iremember correctly.Michael GirdleyWLS Product ManagerWayne He <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:[email protected]Hi,The Netscape plugin for WebLogic is mentioned many time in on-linedocuments for WebLogic servers. However, I can't find any informationwith regard to how the plug-in is distributed, licensed. Could someoneplease tell me if it is bundled in the server download? How do Iinstallthis thing? Is there Apache plugin for Solaris platform?Thank you,WayneWayne Wei-Zhong He, Ph.D.Sr. Biomed Engineer, Emerging TechnologyIncyte Pharmaceuticals Inc.650-845-5784 (direct) / 650-621-8655 (fax)Wayne Wei-Zhong He, Ph.D.Sr. Biomed Engineer, Incyte Genomics Inc.650-845-5784 (direct) / 650-621-8655 (fax)

Apache plugin for Weblogic not forwarding entire X509 certificate chain

I really hope there's someone out there that can help with this. I've spent all week trying various things to make this work.SUMMARYIt doesn't appear that the Weblogic plugin (mod_wl_20.so) for Apache (2.0.49) sends the entire X509 certificate chain sent from a client to Weblogic (9.2).DESCRIPTIONWe have Apache set up to accept client certificates over SSL. This authentication process is successful. When viewing the weblogic plugin log, I can see the headers that are being sent to weblogic:Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from clnt:[Content-Type]=[text/xml; charset=utf-8]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from clnt:[Accept]=[application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/*]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from clnt:[User-Agent]=[Axis/1.2.1]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from clnt:[Host]=[denwlsd1:4044]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from clnt:[Cache-Control]=[no-cache]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from clnt:[Pragma]=[no-cache]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from clnt:[SOAPAction]=[""]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from clnt:[Content-Length]=[1096]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 URL::sendHeaders(): meth='POST' file='/ddm/services/CDAService' protocol='HTTP/1.0'Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[Content-Type]=[text/xml; charset=utf-8]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[Accept]=[application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/*]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[User-Agent]=[Axis/1.2.1]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[Host]=[denwlsd1:4044]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[Cache-Control]=[no-cache]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[Pragma]=[no-cache]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[SOAPAction]=[""]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[Content-Length]=[1096]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[Connection]=[Keep-Alive]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-SSL]=[true]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-Cert]=[MIICwDCCAimgAwIBAgIIFJ5KyM1Zb4QwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwVDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxGzAZBgNVBAoTElRoZSBCb2VpbmcgQ29tcGFueTEoMCYGA1UEAxMfQm9laW5nIEVGQiBTdGF0aWMgSWRlbnRpdHkgQ2VydDAeFw0wNzA4MDQxNjUyMDBaFw0wODA4MDQxNjUyMDBaMDMxMTAvBgNVBAMeKABKAEMAVABBAEkATAAyAF8ASgBDAFQAQQBJAEwAMgBfAEwAZQBmAHQwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBALusYsPzfKfsJ6a1xQxnytM5gWmycerisnrr7C3MThZcRhnwHG41AKHruK5IHltq0tOAG9/KzJLKoIhMGSfNy6gHUcHtFHREFDpiiJRYKwuK79nMKZV0MSqHLJgrc7QGsjTsmf1/bthYv0PhGszQAQdXuo1gnrzqcugLJ91oW/AgMBAAGjgbswgbgwHQYDVR0OBBYEFHjCZUI7DovghrErChgwg+073+8iMAsGA1UdDwQEAwIDuDAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMH8GA1UdAQR4MHaAFN8cDHRP0Y/y7+WkuYQV+Ye96FrcoVIwUDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxGzAZBgNVBAoTElRoZSBCb2VpbmcgQ29tcGFueTESMBAGA1UECxMJQm9laW5nRUZCMRAwDgYDVQQDEwdCRUdTU0NBggphAwVMAAAAAAAVMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBAAGcJwNVTL/JT1YzV0u/LJXReI21mWClLJXZyyTrJnLfdn3FyMDOcWMsdrgLkjhHSqvGHZ3p9cVKLlVAmRmp7LVaHPaB5pIIoMcqU6SbjdPc5Vri1bNSr2xsdAQjjODQ7/mLwvdm0Vmckh7mGu8TIiFPgs36XXbjX1Jlm4fQliqM]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-Keysize]=[128]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-Secretkeysize]=[128]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID]=[unset]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Request-ClusterInfo]=[true]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 URL::parseHeaders: StatusLine set to [200 OK]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from WLS:[Cache-Control]=[no-cache="set-cookie"]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from WLS:[Connection]=[close]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from WLS:[Date]=[Thu, 09 Aug 2007 17:34:20 GMT]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from WLS:[Content-Type]=[text/xml; charset=utf-8]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from WLS:[X-WebLogic-Cluster-List]=[-74568267!DENWLSD1!7711!7712]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from WLS:[Set-Cookie]=[JSESSIONID=5DW3G7Qc7J4cj8lxmyB2TvWVLyNZsc1BvWSrNlD7WpHlhXh1pLkJ!-74568267!NONE; path=/]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from WLS:[X-Powered-By]=[Servlet/2.4 JSP/2.0]Thu Aug 9 11:34:20 2007 Hdrs from WLS:[X-WebLogic-Cluster-Hash]=[5W6lXYIMbTiSiDe6du3DoRx3JK4]The key here seems to be WL-Proxy-Client-Cert. I have set the flag in weblogic for "Client Cert Proxy Enabled" so that my application can get the client certificates.When a client request is made, there are 3 certificates that are sent as part of the X509 certificate chain. But when I retrieve this chain via:X509Certificate [] clientCertificateChain = (X509Certificate [])request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate");The length of this array is only 1! I have no explanation for why this is happening, but the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert coming from the weblogic pluginheader being sent looks too short to me for 3 certificates so my guess is that the problem is in this area.Here's my weblogic plugin configuration in apache:SetHandler weblogic-handlerWebLogicCluster denwlsd1:7711WLLogFile /tmp/wl_proxy.logDebugConfigInfo ONDebug ALLAnd of course my Apache virtual host configuration has:SSLOptions StdEnvVars ExportCertDataIf you have any ideas on things I can try, I would hugely appreciate it!!!Edited by wrast at 08/09/2007 11:14 AMEdited by wrast at 08/10/2007 7:51 AM

try to reinstall...

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Help with Apache plugin for WebLogic on HP-UX

Hi, I am trying to get Weblogic 5.1(w/sp8) on HP-UX 11 talking to Apache 8080) also on HP-UX 11 ( both on same box ). I have WebLogic listening on port 9001, and I followed the instructions to configure apache and weblogic. However when I do http://mymachine:8080/weblogic/portal/hello.jsp. I get unable to find page. weblogic is installed in /weblogic. The hello.jsp is located in /weblogic/myserver/public_html/portal/hello.jsp. Apache is installed in /opt/apache. The Apache httpd.conf file contains the following:SetHandler weblogic-handler PathTrim /weblogic WebLogicHost localhost WebLogicPort 9001What am I missing ? The error_log for Apache shows the following: [Mon Nov 12 11:21:09 2001] [warn] Loaded DSO libexec/mod_wl.so uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI) [Mon Nov 12 11:21:10 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4pl1 configured -- resuming normal operations [Mon Nov 12 11:21:32 2001] [notice] child pid 13248 exit signal Segmentation fau lt (11)

Well... there is a warning in the log file saying that it might crash - and thenit crashes. Check that you are running a supported platform, if you are, contactBEA Support.I would discourage the use of forwarding to 'localhost'.Mike"Niranjan Perera" mckesson.com wrote:>Hi,I am trying to get Weblogic 5.1(w/sp8) on HP-UX 11 talking to Apache1.3.19.21(port8080) also on HP-UX 11 ( both on same box ). I have WebLogic listeningon port9001, and I followed the instructions to configure apache and weblogic.Howeverwhen I do http://mymachine:8080/weblogic/portal/hello.jsp. I get unableto findpage.weblogic is installed in /weblogic. The hello.jsp is located in /weblogic/myserver/public_html/portal/hello.jsp.Apache is installed in /opt/apache.The Apache httpd.conf file contains the following:SetHandler weblogic-handlerPathTrim /weblogicWebLogicHost localhostWebLogicPort 9001What am I missing ? The error_log for Apache shows the following:[Mon Nov 12 11:21:09 2001] [warn] Loaded DSO libexec/mod_wl.so uses plainApache1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with-DEAPI)[Mon Nov 12 11:21:10 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.4pl1configured-- resuming normal operations[Mon Nov 12 11:21:32 2001] [notice] child pid 13248 exit signal Segmentationfault (11)

Apache frontend for Weblogic&colon; problem

Folks, I have Apache 2.x running. The module "mod_wl_20.so" is in the /modules directory. httpd.conf contains the following: LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl_20.soWebLogicHostWebLogicPort 7601I restart the httpd server without problems...and yet i cannot get http:///weblogic to work though both webserver are workin fine. please advise.

Which platform? WebLogic 8.1 does package the plugin.Look in either in the weblogic81\server\lib\XXXXX directory or in theweblogic81\server\bin directory for the mod_wl_20.so.Eric"Alan Wong"wrote in messagenews:3f02fc95$[email protected]..>I tried to find the Apache plugin for WebLogic 8.1, but I could not findone.I downloaded the one from BEA web site, but it did not work. I run Apache2.0.46on Windows 2000 and WebLogic 8.1. The plugin I downloaded gave an errormessagecomplaining about the version is incompatible and require some 20020915version.Does anyone know where I can find the apache plugin? We are testing tomoveforward to WebLogic 8.1 but without the plugin, we can not move forwardwith ourWebLogic 8.1 upgrade. Thank you for your help.Alan

WLS5&period;1 apache plugin for Solaris8 Intel

Is there WLS5.1 apache plugin for Solaris8 Intel platform?

Which platform? WebLogic 8.1 does package the plugin.Look in either in the weblogic81\server\lib\XXXXX directory or in theweblogic81\server\bin directory for the mod_wl_20.so.Eric"Alan Wong"wrote in messagenews:3f02fc95$[email protected]..>I tried to find the Apache plugin for WebLogic 8.1, but I could not findone.I downloaded the one from BEA web site, but it did not work. I run Apache2.0.46on Windows 2000 and WebLogic 8.1. The plugin I downloaded gave an errormessagecomplaining about the version is incompatible and require some 20020915version.Does anyone know where I can find the apache plugin? We are testing tomoveforward to WebLogic 8.1 but without the plugin, we can not move forwardwith ourWebLogic 8.1 upgrade. Thank you for your help.Alan

URL for apache plugin for linux with weblogic 6&period;1

Hi, can anyone tell me, where i can find the apache plugin for linux weblogic 6.1 thanks in advance, cheers chris

Could you give some detail for this issue? I have tried the plugin with IIS6 and it does works.

Apache 1&period;3&period;x plugin for WebLogic 6&period;0 SP2

I am in search of Apache HTTP 1.3.x plugin for WebLogic app server 6.0 SP2, Is it available or certified by BEA? - Thanks in advance for your views and answers

You don't need theblock since you're proxying by mime type. Remove it and you should be ok.

Writing a plugin for Weblogic

Hi, Is it possible to add a mechanism to Weblogic which would intercept EJB lookups and requests (on a per bean and per method basis), and perform custom access control logic? This mechanism should be seamless and transparent to client code so that existing apps would not have to be modified. In effect, I would like to create a plugin for Weblogic in much the same way as you can create a plugin for web servers like Apache, IIS, etc. Alternatively, if this effect could be achieved simply through configuration changes, then even better. Customized security realms do not exactly fit what I want to do because they have to be manually created per client, and I would also like to perform additional logic besides access control. Thanks in advance, Steve Au

Wouldn't EJB clients have to be rewritten to access this proxy bean instead? Whatwould prevent clients from accessing the "secured" EJBs directly?Thanks."Michael Girdley"wrote:We do not offer such an interface natively to write your own securityinterceptors. But, I can imagine someone writing a session bean proxythatintercept all EJB calls in this way before forwarding them along.We plan to offer such functionality in a future release without requiringany kludges.Michael GirdleyBEA SystemsLearning WebLogic? http://learnweblogic.comBuy the only book covering J2EE & WebLogic 6:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0130911119/learnweblogic/103-9227026-4636613"Steve Au"wrote in messagenews:[email protected]..Hi,Is it possible to add a mechanism to Weblogic which would interceptEJB lookups and requests (on a per bean and per method basis), andperform custom access control logic? This mechanism should be seamlessand transparent to client code so that existing apps would not havetobe modified. In effect, I would like to create a plugin for Weblogicin much the same way as you can create a plugin for web servers likeApache, IIS, etc.Alternatively, if this effect could be achieved simply throughconfiguration changes, then even better. Customized security realmsdonot exactly fit what I want to do because they have to be manuallycreated per client, and I would also like to perform additional logicbesides access control.Thanks in advance,Steve Au

Plugin for Weblogic 6&period;1 on Linux

Do you have a plugin for Weblogic Server 6.1 on redHat linux?? If yes where can i download the same?? Thanks in advanceDilip

Yes the plugin comes along with the BEA Weblogic server for Nt version in the folder\lib\linux. I installed this and it is working. "dilip nayak"wrote:>Do you have a plugin for Weblogic Server 6.1 on redHat linux?? If yeswhere cani download the same??Thanks in advance Dilip

About Weblogic-Apache plugin for windows NT

Is there windows NT version of WEBLOGIC-APACHE Plugin? If so where can we get the details about the product?

Last time I checked, the NT version of Apache was still an alpha (orbeta???) release. I believe that we have plans to support this once the NTversion is no longer in alpha/beta status...Mike Reiche wrote:I am 93% sure there is no such plug-in available.MikeSairam Krishnaswamywrote:Is there windows NT version of WEBLOGIC-APACHE Plugin? If so where canwe get the details about the product?

IPlanet plugin for WebLogic not working - cannot find function named wl&lowbar;init

Hi,I have been having this issue for the last two days. It relates to IPlanet plugin for WbLogic. Following is the error I get: [17/Apr/2003:11:41:26] config ( 2069): func_exec reports: cannot find function named wl_init [17/Apr/2003:11:41:26] failure ( 2069):Configuration initialization failed: Error running init function wl_init: unknown error Here is my environment:SUN E-250 Server Solaris 8.0 with recommended Patch-set iPlanet-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP4 Web logic 7 SP2 Here is how I have edited magnus.conf to include the following lines: Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/usr/iplanet/servers/plugins/lib/libproxy.so" func s="wl_proxy,wl_init" Init fn="wl_init" #ServerRoot /usr/iplanet/servers/https-cablevision5 ..... rest of the file .......... As you have noticed I have put everything regrding plugin in one line. I have also used various other combinations of breaking this line into multiple lines but no use. What I have also noticed is that if I change the name of libproxy.so to some other arbitrary file name that does not exist, even then the error message does not change. So it looks like the library is not even being loaded. The library file is owned by root and has permissions to read and execute for everyone. I will really appreciate is I can get any help. I have noticed that there are folks who have posted similar problem, no one gave an answer to them. Please be more generous this time in furnishing with your opinion. Thanks Jamal

I will try and be as descriptive as possible. I hate the posts thatdont give any help.Anyway you did not mention anything about your obj.conf configuration.Here is how it should look, e.g.:Init fn="load-modules" funcs="wl-proxy,wl-init"\shlib=/usr/local/netscape/plugins/libproxy.soInit fn="wl-init"Service fn=wl-proxy WebLogicHost=myweblogic.server.com\WebLogicPort=7001 PathTrim="/weblogic"Check the following url:http://www.weblogic.com/docs51/admindocs/nsapi.htmlOk,so you probably have those in there. If not, then please checkthat you have directives in obj.conf and the magnus.conf as well. Again the service line should be all one line.Next, are you proxying by path or by suffix. I.E. do you wanteverything to go to weblogic or just .jsp. You can configure eitherway. This will change your directive. Specifically ppath means proxyby path. To proxy by file extension (or what i call suffix) then lookat this url for specifics:http://www.weblogic.com/docs51/admindocs/nsapi.html#exts (notice theanchor in the link)Post how it goes...a.r.[email protected][email protected] (Jamal Najmi) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...Hi, I have been having this issue for the last two days. It relates toIPlanet plugin for WbLogic. Following is the error I get:[17/Apr/2003:11:41:26] config ( 2069): func_exec reports: cannot findfunction named wl_init [17/Apr/2003:11:41:26] failure ( 2069): Configuration initialization failed: Error running init functionwl_init: unknown errorHere is my environment: SUN E-250 ServerSolaris 8.0 with recommended Patch-setiPlanet-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP4Web logic 7 SP2Here is how I have edited magnus.conf to include the following lines:Init fn="load-modules"shlib="/usr/iplanet/servers/plugins/lib/libproxy.so" funcs="wl_proxy,wl_init" Init fn="wl_init"#ServerRoot /usr/iplanet/servers/https-cablevision5..... rest of the file ..........As you have noticed I have put everything regrding plugin in one line.I have also used various other combinations of breaking this lineinto multiple lines but no use.What I have also noticed is that if I change the name of libproxy.soto some other arbitrary file name that does not exist, even then theerror message does not change. So it looks like the library is noteven being loaded.The library file is owned by root and has permissions to read andexecute for everyone.I will really appreciate is I can get any help. I have noticed thatthere are folks who have posted similar problem, no one gave an answerto them. Please be more generous this time in furnishing with youropinion.ThanksJamal

JMX with apache plugin and weblogic

Hy every bodyI use weblogic 9.1, throw apache pluginI try to get mbean with JMX,i have this error on the log of the server when I try to acces to a server by passing apache url into jmxConnector:java.lang.AssertionError: Assertion violated at weblogic.utils.Debug.assertion(Debug.java:57) at weblogic.iiop.MuxableSocketIIOP.getMessageLength(MuxableSocketIIOP.java:315) at weblogic.socket.AbstractMuxableSocket.isMessageComplete(AbstractMuxableSocket.java:336) at weblogic.socket.MuxableSocketDiscriminator.dispatch(MuxableSocketDiscriminator.java:166) at weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.processSockets(NTSocketMuxer.java:105) at weblogic.socket.SocketReaderRequest.run(SocketReaderRequest.java:29) at weblogic.socket.SocketReaderRequest.execute(SocketReaderRequest.java:42) at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:145) at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:117)the log:================New Request: [GIOP] =================Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> INFO: SSL is not configuredTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Using Uri /Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> After trimming path: '/'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> The final request string is '/'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> SEARCHING id=[] from current ID=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> The two ids matchedTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> @@@FOUND...id=[], server_name=[AdminServer], server_port=[80]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> attempt #0 out of a max of 5Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Trying a pooled connection for ''Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> getPooledConn: No more connections in the pool for Host[] Port[7001] SecurePort[7001]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: trying connect to ''/7001/7001 at line 2724 for '/'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> INFO: New NON-SSL URLTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Connect returns -1, and error no set to 10035, msg 'Unknown error'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> EINPROGRESS in connect() - selectingTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Local Port of the socket is 2039Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Remote Host Remote Port 7001Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: created a new connection to ''/7001 for '/', Local port:2039Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> URL::sendHeaders(): meth='GIOP' file='/' protocol='HTTP/0.9'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Connection]=[Keep-Alive]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-SSL]=[false]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs]=[24]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID]=[unset]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Local port of the socket 2039, connected to Remote Host/Port May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Response contains no data - isRecycled: 0Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> *******Exception type [READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER] (Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag) raised at line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cppTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Marking as badTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> got exception in sendRequest phase: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER [os error=0, line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag at line 3160Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Failing over after sendRequest() exception: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER as Idempotent is set to ONTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> attempt #1 out of a max of 5Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: trying connect to ''/7001/7001 at line 2724 for '/'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> INFO: New NON-SSL URLTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Connect returns -1, and error no set to 10035, msg 'Unknown error'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> EINPROGRESS in connect() - selectingTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Local Port of the socket is 2040Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Remote Host Remote Port 7001Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: created a new connection to ''/7001 for '/', Local port:2040Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> URL::sendHeaders(): meth='GIOP' file='/' protocol='HTTP/0.9'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Connection]=[Keep-Alive]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-SSL]=[false]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs]=[24]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID]=[unset]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Local port of the socket 2040, connected to Remote Host/Port May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Response contains no data - isRecycled: 0Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> *******Exception type [READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER] (Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag) raised at line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cppTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Marking as badTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> got exception in sendRequest phase: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER [os error=0, line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag at line 3160Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Failing over after sendRequest() exception: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER as Idempotent is set to ONTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> attempt #2 out of a max of 5Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: trying connect to ''/7001/7001 at line 2724 for '/'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> INFO: New NON-SSL URLTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Connect returns -1, and error no set to 10035, msg 'Unknown error'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> EINPROGRESS in connect() - selectingTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Local Port of the socket is 2041Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Remote Host Remote Port 7001Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: created a new connection to ''/7001 for '/', Local port:2041Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> URL::sendHeaders(): meth='GIOP' file='/' protocol='HTTP/0.9'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Connection]=[Keep-Alive]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-SSL]=[false]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs]=[24]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID]=[unset]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Local port of the socket 2041, connected to Remote Host/Port May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Response contains no data - isRecycled: 0Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> *******Exception type [READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER] (Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag) raised at line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cppTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Marking as badTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> got exception in sendRequest phase: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER [os error=0, line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag at line 3160Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Failing over after sendRequest() exception: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER as Idempotent is set to ONTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> attempt #3 out of a max of 5Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: trying connect to ''/7001/7001 at line 2724 for '/'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> INFO: New NON-SSL URLTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Connect returns -1, and error no set to 10035, msg 'Unknown error'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> EINPROGRESS in connect() - selectingTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Local Port of the socket is 2042Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Remote Host Remote Port 7001Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: created a new connection to ''/7001 for '/', Local port:2042Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> URL::sendHeaders(): meth='GIOP' file='/' protocol='HTTP/0.9'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Connection]=[Keep-Alive]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-SSL]=[false]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs]=[24]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID]=[unset]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Local port of the socket 2042, connected to Remote Host/Port May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Response contains no data - isRecycled: 0Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> *******Exception type [READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER] (Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag) raised at line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cppTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Marking as badTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> got exception in sendRequest phase: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER [os error=0, line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag at line 3160Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Failing over after sendRequest() exception: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER as Idempotent is set to ONTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> attempt #4 out of a max of 5Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: trying connect to ''/7001/7001 at line 2724 for '/'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> INFO: New NON-SSL URLTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Connect returns -1, and error no set to 10035, msg 'Unknown error'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> EINPROGRESS in connect() - selectingTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Local Port of the socket is 2043Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Remote Host Remote Port 7001Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: created a new connection to ''/7001 for '/', Local port:2043Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> URL::sendHeaders(): meth='GIOP' file='/' protocol='HTTP/0.9'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Connection]=[Keep-Alive]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-SSL]=[false]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs]=[24]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID]=[unset]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Local port of the socket 2043, connected to Remote Host/Port May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Response contains no data - isRecycled: 0Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> *******Exception type [READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER] (Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag) raised at line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cppTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Marking as badTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> got exception in sendRequest phase: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER [os error=0, line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag at line 3160Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Failing over after sendRequest() exception: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER as Idempotent is set to ONTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> attempt #5 out of a max of 5Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: trying connect to ''/7001/7001 at line 2724 for '/'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> INFO: New NON-SSL URLTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Connect returns -1, and error no set to 10035, msg 'Unknown error'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> EINPROGRESS in connect() - selectingTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Local Port of the socket is 2044Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Remote Host Remote Port 7001Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> general list: created a new connection to ''/7001 for '/', Local port:2044Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> URL::sendHeaders(): meth='GIOP' file='/' protocol='HTTP/0.9'Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Connection]=[Keep-Alive]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-SSL]=[false]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs]=[24]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID]=[unset]Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Local port of the socket 2044, connected to Remote Host/Port May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> readStatus: Response contains no data - isRecycled: 0Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> *******Exception type [READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER] (Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag) raised at line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cppTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Marking as badTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> got exception in sendRequest phase: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER [os error=0, line 841 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: Unexpected EOF reading HTTP status - failover request based on Idempotent flag at line 3160Tue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> Failing over after sendRequest() exception: READ_ERROR_FROM_SERVER as Idempotent is set to ONTue May 31 14:25:36 2011 <35921306844736112> request [] did NOT process successfully..................the httpd.conf:WebLogicHost 7001#WebLogicCluster t3://, t3:// 7005, t3:// onDebug HFC,HTW,HFWWLLogFile c:/wlproxy.logWLTempDir c:/TEMPDebugConfigInfo OnKeepAliveEnabled ONKeepAliveSecs 14MatchExpression *SetHandler weblogic-handlerI don't use ssl.I can access to the jsp of the server with the url of apach , but i cannot use jmx throught apache. I can use jmx with the server if I don't use apache, but i need apache for the next step of the project.please, help me !

I think the plug-in is intended for serves static pages, and another part of the document like MIME types.I assume you are using the http protocol in your client to establish a jmx connection. Try enabling HTTP tunneling in weblogic server.Can you post the code used to establish connetion?

Apache configuration for weblogic

Hi All I need your help for configuring my apache for weblogic. Actually we created 2 non clustered server and deployed an application on them. Now we want to achieve the load balancing on the apache side. So, I am just wondering what exactly I should write down in http.conf to achieve it. e.g in clustered environment we give :WebLogicCluster abc:7210,xyz:7210 SetHandler weblogic-handlerwhere abc and xyz are cluster members.If you have any idea then please share it. Thanks in Advance.

To configure Apache Plug-in with Weblogic Server, follow the steps below1. To make Apache server run on a different port say 8080, other than the dafault (80).Modify the httpd.conf present at D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\confChange the Listen port to 8080 in the httpd.conf fileListen 80802. Copy the mod_wl_20.so from \wlserver_10.3\server\plugin\win\32 to D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\modules3. Apply the plug-n module by adding these in the httpd.conf fileLoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl_20.soSetHandler weblogic-handlerWebLogicCluster localhost:7003,localhost:7005Debug ONWLLogFile c:/temp/wlproxy.logWLTempDir c:/temp4. Restart the Apache Server

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